Definition of Tooth Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing are methods for cleansing the gum tissues thoroughly. Removing accumulated tartar or calculus (hard, calcified plaque) above and below the gumline is a frequent non-surgical treatment for gum disease. In addition, it can slow the spread of periodontal disease (gum disease).

lthough root planing smoothes the tooth roots, scaling removes accumulated calculus. In addition, it lessens the depth of the gingival pocket by assisting the gums in reattaching to the teeth.

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Symptoms of a Potential Need for Scaling and Root Planing

The calculus and plaque typically removed at regular dental visits migrate below the gum line if you haven’t seen the dentist in a while. Around the tooth, the bacteria and their byproducts amass, infecting the gums and reducing bone density.

You can check for the following symptoms:

  • Bad breath or taste
  • Easily bleeding gums
  • Red, swollen, or sensitive gums
  • Gums pulled away from the teeth
  • Loose or separate teeth
  • Changes in the bite
  • Partial dentures that no longer fit correctly.


You could get this condition for a variety of reasons:

  • Smoking
  • Poor nutrition
  • Aging
  • Hormonal changes
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Family history
  • Other medical issues

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What Happens During Root Planing and Scaling?

The following will be done throughout the entire deep cleaning process:

  1. Your dental professional, dentist, or hygienist will use local anesthesia to reduce pain.
  2. Your dentist will use specialized tools to eliminate tartar above and below your gum line during scaling and root planing.
  3. After scaling and root planing, your dentist may rinse or irrigate your mouth with an antibacterial solution (such as chlorhexidine) to further clean the area.
  4. Lastly, your dentist may inject local antibiotics into the periodontal pockets.
Definition of Tooth Scaling

What to Anticipate Following the Procedure?

Deep cleaning could require several appointments, but recovery should be relatively easy. During the initial hours or days following treatment, you can experience the following:

  • Sensitivity to heat and cold in the teeth
  • Slight pain, especially in the area that was cleaned
  • Easily bleeding gums when using a toothbrush.

How Long Does it Take to Recover from Scaling and Root Planing?

Following the operation, your gums might be temporarily swollen and tender. Also, your teeth can be sensitive.

To recover, you should stick to your doctor’s advice:

  • Consume soft foods
  • Avoid hot and cold foods and beverages
  • Take painkillers and antibiotics
  • Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash.

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Advantages and Drawbacks

Both of the methods can help treat gum disease and enhance dental health. There are also potential disadvantages, most of which are temporary.

The Best Scaling and Root Planing in Summerhill


They may have the following advantages:

  • Reduced gum pocket depth
  • Decreased risk of periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease
  • Decreased chance of tooth decay
  • Elimination of bad smell


You can feel soreness, sensitivity, and bleeding while cleaning your teeth for the first few days after the scaling and root planing treatment. They should disappear shortly.But root planning and scaling also include two additional dangers.

  1. One is that bacteria might enter your bloodstream and gums, causing an infection. If you have specific medical issues, your dentist might recommend antibiotics to help prevent this.
  2. The additional risk is that root planing might remove more cementum than is necessary from the tooth roots’ surface.

Scaling and Root Planing Near Me

Root planing and scrubbing of the teeth are frequent treatments for persistent periodontal disease. This outpatient operation can be done at the dentist’s office with or without local anesthesia. Scaling and root planing could be expensive yet necessary if you have gum disease. Prices can vary significantly amongst dentists. If you live in Summerhill, Ontario, contact us at Dental Land  and make an appointment to ensure that you are receiving the most excellent offer and treatment available!

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